How an Attorney Can Help When You’re Applying for SSDI

If you’re no longer employed due to a disability or a serious medical condition, you may be considering filing a claim for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). However, an unfortunate reality of the SSDI process is the fact that most disability claims are denied. A denial means that claimants must file an appeal in hopes that the Social Security Administration (SSA) reverses its opinion.

Reasons for SSDI Denials

An Attorney Shaking a Client's Hand During a Social Security Claims Discussion

A denial notice from the SSA will include a brief description of the claimant’s medical condition, impairments, medical records, and a technical explanation of the reasons behind the denial. Most claims are denied due to a lack of sufficient medical evidence to prove the case. The claimant must then appeal the denial in order to schedule a hearing with the SSA. Some of the most common reasons applicants are denied include:

●     The claimant’s reported income is too high.

●     The SSA doesn’t believe the impairment is severe enough.

●     The claimant fails to provide all relevant medical records to the SSA.

●     The claimant hasn’t followed his doctor’s orders.

An Attorney Can Help With Your SSDI Claim

While it is certainly possible to win an appeal, the ideal approach is to secure your claim the first time, and that requires an experienced attorney. Hiring an attorney significantly increases the likelihood of having your disability case approved. An experienced disability attorney understands how to present his client’s case in the most favorable light, and he knows what the Social Security Administration needs to see in order to approve your disability insurance request. Your attorney can gather appropriate medical evidence and obtain expert testimony when needed. He may also argue that your condition is one of the impairments covered by Social Security, and help you focus on the facts that will be most persuasive to the Social Security Administration. If you’re considering filing for disability, you should consult a disability attorney. To learn more, contact the Injury & Disability Law Center by using the form on this page.


Joshua Worley
Connect with me
Roswell, NM Social Security and Veterans Disability Lawyer
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