Are Your Spouse and Dependent Children Eligible for SSDI Benefits?

Social Security Disability Benefits Claim PaperworkIf you are unable to work, it affects your whole family. Fortunately, when you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), your spouse and dependent children may also be entitled to monthly benefits.

SSDI Benefits for Spouses

A spouse of an individual receiving SSDI benefits is also eligible for disability payments benefits in some situations. A husband or wife would qualify if one of these circumstances is met:

  • He is 62 years old or older.
  • He is caring for their dependent child who is under 16 years old.
  • He is caring for their disabled child no matter what the child’s age is.

Once a spouse turns 62 years old, he is not eligible unless he is old enough to receive retirement or survivor benefits. If the husband or wife is eligible for Social Security benefits based on his own record, that amount would be paid to him first.

SSDI Benefits for Children

Minor children of a parent who receives SSDI are also often eligible for monthly disability benefits. This includes biological and adopted children and dependent step-children. To be eligible, a child must be unmarried and be under 18 years old.

Adult children can be eligible under these limited circumstances:

  • He is between 18 and 19 years old and still in high school. He is eligible until he graduates or turns 19 years old, whichever comes sooner.
  • He is disabled and became disabled before he turned 22 years old.

How Much SSDI Benefits Can Your Dependents Receive?

Your spouse and children can obtain up to half of the monthly benefits you receive. However, there is a limit on the total amount of disability benefits that the Social Security Administration (SSA) will pay to you and your family. Your entire family can only receive 150 to 180 percent of your monthly benefits.

Call Our Social Security Disability Legal Team for the Help You Need

When you apply for SSDI benefits, you should also apply for these benefits for your eligible spouse and children. If you apply for their benefits later, it could take longer for them to begin receiving monthly benefits.

Free Guide to Completing an Online Application for Social Security Disability

Our skilled and dedicated Social Security disability attorneys are here to answer your questions and to help you file your application for SSDI benefits. Call our Roswell office today to schedule your free consultation to learn more about your legal options and how we can assist you.


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