Truck and Car Collision on a Rolling RoadYou could suffer more catastrophic injuries in a truck accident than a car accident due to the greater size and weight of a commercial truck. If you want to receive all the compensation you deserve for your injuries, it is crucial that you identify the correct liable parties and file claims with their insurance companies.

Parties Who Could Be at Fault and Liable to Compensate You in a New Mexico Truck Accident

There are many causes of truck accidents, and some of them involve the negligence of parties other than the truck driver. An experienced truck accident lawyer can conduct an extensive investigation into the cause of your crash and identify the parties who are responsible for compensating you. Here are common parties who could face liability:

  • Truck driver. A truck driver’s negligence is the most common cause of truck crashes. Distracted driving, speeding, intoxication, and violations of the federal hours of service regulations limiting the hours they can work without a break are some of the ways at-fault truckers cause tragic wrecks.
  • Trucking company. A trucking company can be held vicariously liable for the negligent actions of its truck driver. In addition, you may have a separate claim against them for hiring an unqualified truck driver or failing to train him, not inspecting and maintaining the truck, or violating the federal hours of service or other federal regulations.
  • Shipper. The shipper is responsible for properly loading and securing the load that is being transported. If the load was not loaded properly or was not secured, this could have caused or contributed to your truck accident, and the loading company would be responsible for compensating you.
  • Maintenance company. Trucking companies frequently contract with third-party maintenance companies to perform the inspections and maintenance on their commercial fleet required under federal regulations. If the maintenance company failed to properly inspect or repair the truck, a tire blowout, brake failure, or other repair problem could have been the cause of your accident.
  • Manufacturer. If a truck part was not designed or manufactured properly, this could have caused the trucker to lose control of his truck in your collision. If this was why your accident happened, you may have a product liability claim against the parts and truck manufacturer.

Were you injured in a truck accident in Roswell? Our skilled truck accident lawyers are here to determine the cause of your crash and pursue claims against all potentially responsible parties so that you receive the maximum recovery you deserve. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about our extensive experience in these cases and how we can assist you.