You could suffer very serious injuries in a pedestrian accident in Roswell that require expensive, long-term medical care. You could be off work for months or longer while you recover—if you do not become permanently disabled.
Fortunately, you are entitled to compensation from the negligent driver who caused your collision under New Mexico law. However, you need to take immediate steps to protect your health and your claim with their insurance company.
What You Should Do Immediately After a Pedestrian Accident
The actions you take immediately after your pedestrian crash can have a direct impact on the strength of your case against the at-fault driver and the amount of compensation you can recover in your settlement with the insurance company. Here are a few crucial first steps you should take:
- Move to a safe location. If you were struck while on the road, you should move to the side of the road or other safe location to avoid being hit again by another driver.
- Seek medical care. You should call for an ambulance or go to the emergency room if you suffered any apparent injuries. Even if you don’t believe you were hurt or think that your injuries are minor, you should be examined by a doctor within 48 hours to protect your health and avoid disputes with the insurance company about the cause or seriousness of your injuries.
- Call the police. Call 911 at the accident scene. A police officer will investigate the cause of your collision and write a police report that will include helpful information, such as a narration of how the crash occurred, who was at fault, and any traffic citations issued.
- Obtain contact information. You should obtain the contact information for the negligent driver and their insurance company so that you can file a claim for compensation after pedesrian accident. You also need to get this information for any witnesses who can corroborate how the driver caused your accident.
- Take pictures and video. You should take pictures and video using your cell phone camera of the accident scene, damage to the vehicle, your injuries, and anything else you believe would be helpful in proving how the collision occurred.
- Retain an attorney. You should hire an experienced car accident lawyer as soon as possible after your crash. They can collect the evidence you need to prove your case, file your claim, and negotiate your settlement so that you receive all that you are entitled to in your settlement.
Were you or a family member injured in a pedestrian accident in Roswell? Call our office or start a live chat to schedule your free consultation to learn how we can assist you.
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