Tips on How to Win a Social Security Disability Reconsideration Appeal

Denied Social Security Disability Claim FormsEven if you are clearly eligible for benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) could deny your application for Social Security disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Unfortunately, the SSA denies the majority of claims filed by applicants.

Your first step to appeal the decision would be to file a disability reconsideration appeal. Here are tips on how to win this appeal.

Tips on How to Win an SSDI Reconsideration Appeal

If you want to win your case, your first step would be to file a request for reconsideration of the SSA’s decision. It is the first appeal you must file when fighting a denial of SSDI benefits. Taking the following steps can help increase your likelihood of winning your appeal:

#1: File Your Appeal on Time

The SSA will send its decision denying your application to you in a written letter. You have 60 days from the date of this letter to file your request for reconsideration. This appeal must be filed in writing.

Your appeal will be denied if you fail to meet this 60-day deadline. You would have to restart the application process, making it take even longer to receive SSDI benefits.

#2: Understand Why Your Claim Was Denied

You must know the reason why the SSA denied your claim if you want to win your appeal. You can then obtain the evidence you need to refute their arguments. The SSA’s letter of denial should inform you of why they denied your claim.

#3 File the Proper Paperwork

You must file the correct paperwork when you file your request for reconsideration appeal. You must file these three documents:

  • Form SSA-561, which is the Request for Reconsideration
  • Reconsideration Disability Report
  • Authorization to Disclose Information to the SSA

#4: Submit Your Medical Records

You must have strong medical evidence to prove that your medical condition prevents you from working. Be certain that the SSA has your complete medical records, including any additional medical records, since you applied for benefits. You can also have your doctor provide a letter of support explaining your medical condition and how it prevents you from working. 

#5: Write an Appeal Letter

The Request for Reconsideration form only gives you a few lines to explain why you disagree with the SSA’s decision. This may not give you sufficient space to write the reasons you are filing your appeal.

Fortunately, you can draft an appeals letter to include with Form SSA-561. In this letter, you should clearly explain your medical condition, how it prevents you from performing your current work duties and other jobs, and why you do not agree with the SSA’s reasons for denying your claim. In your appeal letter, you must be honest about the severity of your medical condition and how it impacts your life. When attaching this letter, write “See Attached Letter” on the form to ensure that the SSA representative sees your letter.

#6: Hire a Lawyer

One of the most important steps you can take to ensure that you win your appeal is to hire a knowledgeable social security disability attorney. Here are some ways they can assist you:

  • Answer your questions. Your attorney can explain the process of filing your claim and appeal. They will also answer your questions about what to expect, how long the process will take to complete, and the amount of benefits you may be entitled to.
  • Collect evidence. A lawyer will know what medical records and other evidence you need to win your case. They will work closely with your doctor to ensure that your medical records and their letter of support detail your medical condition, the treatments you need, and why you can no longer work.
  • File your claim and appeal. A skilled Social Security disability attorney will know the deadlines you must meet and will file the proper paperwork before any deadline expires.
  • Represent you at any hearing. Your lawyer will represent you if you must attend a hearing in your appeal.

Was your application for SSDI benefits denied? Our experienced Social Security disability attorneys are here to file your appeal and fight for the SSDI benefits you deserve. Call our Roswell office at 575-300-4000 or fill out our online form to schedule a free initial consultation to learn how we can assist you.

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