Two Cars After a Head-on CollisionWhile any car accident can be dangerous, a head-on collision can cause victims to suffer much more serious injuries or death. These accidents occur when the front ends of two vehicles collide. Even when the cars are traveling at slower speeds, the injuries can be catastrophic because both vehicles are moving right before the impact. If you or a family member were hurt in this type of crash, it is important to understand why they happen and your right to compensation for your injuries.

Common Causes of Head-On Collisions

The underlying causes of head-on collisions are similar to other car accidents and usually involve the negligence of one of the drivers. Here are the leading reasons for these deadly wrecks:

  • Distracted driving. Talking on a cell phone and texting are some of the most dangerous distracted driving practices that drivers engage in on Roswell streets and highways. Eating and drinking, looking at a GPS, or adjusting the radio or other instrument controls are other activities that can cause a driver not to realize that he has crossed the center lane.
  • Intoxication. While the dangers of driving when drunk or drugged are well known, many motorists ignore the risks and get behind the wheel. Intoxication reduces driving skills in many ways, and can lead to a driver making tragic mistakes or engaging in reckless driving and causing a head-on crash.
  • Driving the wrong way. Some of the most tragic head-on collisions are caused when a motorist gets confused and drives the wrong way on a one-way street, highway entrance or exit ramp, or highway. Intoxicated drivers whose vision and judgment are impaired cause many of these accidents late at night or in the early morning hours.
  • Fatigue. If a driver is fighting to stay awake or falls asleep while driving, he can drift into oncoming traffic without even realizing it until the collision wakes him up.
  • Speeding around curves. Speeding around curves is dangerous and can cause a driver to lose control of his vehicle and veer over the center lane.
  • Improper passing. Drivers who misjudge the time they have to safely pass on a two-lane road or pass in a no-pass zone may have no way to avoid colliding with an approaching vehicle.

Compensation You May Be Entitled to in a Head-On Accident

Under New Mexico law, the negligent driver who caused your head-on collision is responsible for compensating you for your injuries. Types of compensation you should receive include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages and loss of earning capacity if you are unable to return to work due to your injuries
  • Pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death damages if a loved one was killed

Contact The Injury & Disability Law Center, LLC Today

If you suffered injuries in a head-on collision or other type of auto crash, our experienced car accident attorneys are here to answer your questions about your legal options and fight for the compensation you deserve. Schedule your free consultation today by starting a live chat or calling our Roswell office.


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