Car Accident Victim Looking at Medical BillsIn an auto collision in New Mexico, you could suffer serious injuries, such as back and spinal injuries, a traumatic brain injury, or organ damage. You may be worried about how to pay your mounting medical bills while you are off work for months or longer recovering from your injuries. You need to understand your options to pay your medical bills and your right to seek compensation from the negligent driver who caused your car crash.

Who Is Responsible for Paying the Medical Bills After a Car Accident?

In New Mexico, the at-fault motorist is responsible for paying you compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, property damages, and pain and suffering. However, you may go through many frustrating months while you go up against the insurance company for the settlement you deserve.

You are ultimately responsible for paying your medical bills even if you did nothing wrong to cause the collision. You do not want to wait until you settle your claim to your medical bills. Your health care provider could refuse to continue to treat you. In addition, they could refer your account to a collection agency or sue you.

What Are Your Options to Pay Medical Bills After Auto Collision Injuries?

Fortunately, several options exist for paying your medical bills after a car accident. They include the following:

  • MedPay. When you purchased your auto insurance, you could buy optional Medical Payment Coverage, also referred to as MedPay. You can use the coverage to pay for your reasonable medical expenses related to the car accident up to the policy limits. You could use Medical Payment Coverage even if you were partially or entirely at fault for causing the wreck.
  • Health insurance. If you have private health insurance that you purchased or through a job, you should use it to pay your medical bills while you wait to settle your claim. This will help you avoid the stress and harm to your credit that you would experience if you do not pay the expenses. In addition, you will be paying at the reduced rate your health insurance company has secured.
  • Uninsured motorist coverage. Uninsured motorist coverage is another optional coverage that you can use to pay your medical bills if the negligent driver had no auto insurance. Even though you would be filing a claim with your own insurance company, you should retain a skilled car accident lawyer to protect your rights and ensure you receive all the compensation you deserve.
  • Underinsured motorist coverage. Underinsured motorist coverage would be an option if you purchased it and the other driver had liability insurance but did not have enough coverage to compensate you fully. You could file a claim for up to your policy limits. For example, if the negligent driver had $100,000 in liability coverage and your damages were $200,000, you may be able to file a claim for $100,000 under your auto insurance policy if you have this coverage.
  • Negligent driver. If another motorist caused your car crash, they are responsible for compensating you for your injuries. All drivers in New Mexico are required to purchase liability insurance of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident in liability insurance for injuries caused in a wreck.

Will You Have to Pay Back the Health Insurance Provider?

If your health insurance company is paying your medical bills while you wait to receive your settlement proceeds, they have a right of subrogation. This means that you would need to pay them back for what they paid when you receive your settlement.

Did a negligent driver cause you to suffer injuries in an auto collision in Roswell or Southeast New Mexico? Our dedicated car accident lawyers can help you determine the best options for paying your medical bills and can go up against the insurance company for all the compensation you deserve. Call our Roswell office at 575-300-4000 or fill out our online form to schedule your free consultation today to learn more about how we can assist you.