Appeal Word CloudIf your application for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI) is denied, you do not have to hire a lawyer to file your appeal. However, if you want to win your case, your best strategy would be to retain an experienced Social Security disability attorney. Here are three reasons why having a lawyer represent you in your appeal will increase the chances of success.

Reason #1: Gathering Your Medical Documents

Your attorney will review your entire file and all the medical documents you provided that support your application. They will be able to identify gaps in your medical history and will be able to obtain the medical records you need to file with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to support your claim quicker than you could. They will also contact your doctors and have them write a written opinion that explains fully what your disability is and how this prevents you from working.

Reason #2: Understanding of Law and Procedures

A knowledgeable attorney will know how to file your appeal properly. They will also understand the rules and procedures that must be followed so that your appeal proceeds quickly and smoothly.

Reason #3: Preparing You for Your Hearing

One of the biggest benefits of having an attorney is that they will be with you at your hearing for your appeal. Some of the ways an attorney can help you include:

  • Trial preparation. They will prepare you for the questions that the administrative judge will ask you at your hearing.
  • Evidence. They would be certain that all your medical records, doctors’ opinions, and other evidence that supports your claim of disability are presented at your hearing.
  • Witnesses. They will identify all the expert witnesses you need, such as a physician, and any other witnesses who can help you prove your disability and will prepare them to testify at your hearing.
  • Cross-examination. A vocational expert would most likely testify on behalf of the SSA. After the administrative law judge questions this expert, your lawyer can effectively cross-exam them about their findings and show how they are inaccurate. They would also cross-exam any other witnesses presented on behalf of the SSA.

Was your application for SSDI benefits denied? Call our office to schedule a free initial consultation to learn how our skilled Social Security disability lawyers in Roswell can help you.