Injured Child After a Car AccidentAn automobile accident can be even more terrifying if your child is in your vehicle and gets hurt. You need to take immediate steps to protect their health and their right to compensation for their injuries if a negligent driver caused your crash. Here are crucial steps you should take immediately.

#1: Check on Your Child

Your first step should be to check on your child to see if they are hurt. However, you should not remove them from a car seat if they are unconscious or seriously hurt because this could make their injuries worse.

#2: Seek Prompt Medical Care

You should call 911 for an ambulance if your child is seriously injured. Even if they do not believe they are hurt, you should have them examined by their pediatrician within 72 hours of the crash. They may have suffered an injury, such as a traumatic brain injury or concussion, internal bleeding, or spinal injury, and not realize it right away. You protect their health and help avoid disputes with the insurance company by getting them the immediate medical treatment they need.

#3: Call the Police

Call the police at the crash scene and obtain a copy of the police report. It will contain information that can help you prove the at-fault driver’s liability for causing the collision. Useful information it could contain includes:

  • Details of how the accident occurred
  • Statements by the drivers, passengers, and witnesses
  • Officer’s conclusions as to who caused the wreck
  • Any traffic citations issued

#4: Obtain Contact Information

You need to obtain the contact information of the other driver and their insurance company. Do not forget to get information for witnesses who saw your collision occur and can help you prove that the other motorist—and not you—caused it.

#5: Take Photos

Use your cell phone camera to take pictures of the accident scene, damage to the vehicles involved in the crash, your child’s injuries, and anything else you think could be helpful. Your photos could help prove the cause of the crash if the insurance company disputes it and can be powerful evidence to show a jury if your child’s case goes to trial.

#6: Replace the Car Seat

Even if your accident was a “minor” rear-end collision, you should replace your child’s car seat. It could have suffered structural damage that would result in it not protecting them if you are involved in another car accident in the future.

#7: Retain a Lawyer

You should hire an experienced car accident attorney as soon as possible after your collision. They can file a claim with the insurance company on behalf of your child and will go up against the insurance adjuster so that your child receives all the compensation they deserve. In addition, they will help you comply with any special procedures you must follow in settling your child’s claim.

Was your child injured in a car accident in Southeast New Mexico or Roswell? Our dedicated car accident lawyers will take care of all the steps involved in filing your child’s claim and settling it so that you can focus on helping them recover from their injuries. To find out more about how we can assist you, start a live chat or fill out our online form to schedule your free consultation today.


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