When you file an application for VA disability benefits, you must establish that you qualify for these benefits. One of the most difficult elements to prove is the nexus, or link, between your illness or disability and the in-service event that caused it. One of the best ways to establish this is to submit a strong nexus letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
What Is a Nexus Letter?
A nexus letter is a document prepared by a physician or other medical professional that explains how a Veteran’s medical illness or condition is directly related to his military service. While a nexus letter is not required when applying for VA disability benefits, it can make the difference between an application being approved or denied. A nexus letter can be submitted with an initial application, while the VA is evaluating whether the Veteran is eligible for benefits, or after an adverse C&P exam.
A nexus letter is especially crucial if no medical records were provided in support of the application and the C&P examiner does not find a link between the Veteran’s illness or disability and his military service. In this situation, the application will be denied unless a nexus letter is submitted.
How to Make a Nexus Letter Stronger
It is best to choose a doctor that is currently treating you to write a nexus letter on your behalf. You should select a doctor that is board-certified in the area of health that is at issue in your case.
The physician must use specific language, certain phrases, and the correct medical standard when writing the letter. Here are some tips on how he can ensure that the nexus letter strongly supports your claim:
- The letter should be brief, but thorough. It should focus on the facts and the doctor’s conclusions.
- The doctor should mention in the letter that he has reviewed your entire VA file and medical records. If he fails to do so, the VA may disregard his letter.
- The letter should mention that the doctor has recently examined you. The VA may find the physician’s conclusions more persuasive if this is true.
- The physician does not need to draw an absolute conclusion as to the nexus between your disability and your military service. It is sufficient if “it is at least as likely as not.”
Ask a VA Disability Lawyer If You Have Questions
If you are a Veteran applying for VA disability benefits, the experienced VA disability attorneys at The Injury & Disability Law Center can help you file your application and work with your doctor so that he understands what information should be included in your nexus letter. Start a live chat to schedule for your free consultation to learn more about your rights to benefits.
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