Frequently Asked Questions About Injury and Disability

It is natural to have many concerns and questions as you recover from an accident or injury. Here, the lawyers at the Injury and Disability Law Center, LLC, share their perspective on many of the most common worries. Find out what to expect from the legal system, what compensation may be available, how to protect your claim, and much more.
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  • How long does it take to get approved for SSDI?

    Calendar Dates in a PileIf you must apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) because you cannot work due to a disabling medical condition, it can be stressful to wait for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to make a decision on whether you qualify for benefits. While some people are approved in as little as 30 days, others can wait a year or longer before they receive a final decision.

    How Long Could it Take to Get a Decision on Your SSDI Application?

    Understanding how long it will take to get through the different stages of a SSDI claim can relieve your stress and help you know what to expect. Here is how long it could take:

    • Initial application. The average response time for the SSA to reach a decision after you apply for SSDI benefits is three to four months, but this time period could be extended to up to eight months.
    • Reconsideration. If the SSA denies your request for benefits, you will need to file a request for reconsideration of their decision. It could take them three to four months to send you a decision on your initial appeal.
    • Appeal. You will need to file an appeal and have your case decided by an administrative law judge (ALJ) if your request for reconsideration is denied. It could take six months to two years before your hearing is scheduled and the ALJ makes a decision on your claim.

    How to Get a Decision Faster

    You can take steps to speed up the process of receiving a decision from the Social Security Administration. Here are a few tips on what you can do:

    • Fill out your application completely, and list all the doctors you have seen. You should provide their contact information and the dates you were examined by them.
    • Include all of your medical records. This will avoid the SSA having to contact your physicians for this information, which could delay their initial decision significantly.
    • Obtain letters from all doctors who are treating you for your disability. Their letters should explain your medical condition and how it prevents you from working.
    • Check on the status of your application to be certain that the SSA does not need additional information and that they are reviewing your application. You can check this on the SSA website or by calling and speaking to a SSA representative.

    What is the best way to be certain that your claim goes faster? Retain an experienced Social Security disability lawyer immediately. They can help you file your application properly, provide all the documentation needed for you to get a quick decision, and file your appeal if this is necessary. To learn how we can help, call our Roswell office to schedule your free consultation today.


  • Should I settle my personal injury case?

    Hand Writing a What Should I Do SignIf you suffered injuries in a car, truck, slip and fall, or another type of personal injury accident, you will need to file a claim with the negligent party’s insurance company. At some point, you will need to decide whether to settle your case or take it to a jury trial.

    Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether to Settle Your Claim

    Making the decision on whether to settle your claim is one of the most important ones you will make, and you may have to consider this more than once if you receive additional offers from the insurance company. You should not decide this without the help of an experienced personal injury attorney. Here are some of the pros of settling your case versus taking it to trial that you should consider.

    Benefits of Settling Your Claim

    Most personal injury cases are settled at some point before a scheduled jury trial. There are benefits in reaching a settlement with the insurance company:

    • You will receive the settlement proceeds quicker.
    • Your legal costs will be less because you will not incur trial costs.
    • You avoid the time and energy that a jury trial takes.
    • You have the certainty that you will receive some compensation for your injuries. Even if you have a strong case against the negligent party, there is no guarantee you will win at your jury trial.

    Benefits of Taking Your Case to Jury Trial

    If the insurance company refuses to make you a reasonable offer or the statute of limitations, which is the deadline you have to sue, will expire soon, you will need to file a lawsuit and litigate your claim. However, you could still reach a settlement at some point down the road.

    However, there are benefits to taking your case to trial. They include:

    • Finality. Presenting your case to the jury and receiving a decision—which will hopefully be favorable to you—can give you a sense that your case is truly over and that you received justice.
    • Larger award. A settlement would most likely be for less than what you may receive at trial. While there is no guarantee that you would win your case at trial, you could receive much more money in a jury award.

    Proving your right to damages after a personal injury accident is complicated. You need the help of a skilled personal injury lawyer to collect the evidence you need, go up against the insurance company, and decide whether it is in your best interests to settle your case. Call our Roswell office or start a live chat to schedule a free consultation to learn how we can assist you in pursuing your claim.


  • What is a Consultative Exam?

    Stethoscope Sitting on a TableWhen you apply for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI), the Social Security Administration (SSA) will decide whether you qualify for benefits. They could schedule a consultative exam to help them make a decision on your claim. This is a medical examination that is scheduled by the SSA with a physician that they choose. This is a physical or mental examination that they will use when deciding whether you are unable to work due to your medical condition.

    When Could You Be Required to Attend a Consultative Exam?

    Whether the SSA will schedule a consultative exam will depend on your disability and the evidence you submit to support your application. Examples of when this exam may be required include:

    • Additional medical information is needed that is not included in your medical records.
    • There are gaps in your medical treatment, or you have not been treated by a doctor for a while.
    • The SSA cannot obtain your medical records from your doctor for a reason beyond your control, such as your physician’s death or refusal to supply them.
    • There are inconsistencies in your medical records.
    • The SSA needs specialized medical evidence to decide your claim.
    • You could experience a change in your medical condition in the future that may affect your ability to work.

    Importance of Attending Your Consultative Exam

    You must attend your CE Exam if the SSA requests that you attend one. If you fail to attend your exam, the disability examiner could determine that you are not being cooperative and deny your application.

    Who Performs a Consultative Exam?

    Your treating physician can conduct a consultative exam. Often it is performed by an independent doctor hired by the SSA. These doctors do not work for the SSA.

    What Happens at a Consultative Exam?

    The purpose of your exam is not to treat you. It is to determine how serious your disability is.

    The extent of your consultative exam will depend on your disability and the questions that the SSA has about how it affects your ability to work.

    However, there are specific rules on how long your exam should last. Here are some requirements that should be followed:

    • A general physical exam should be for at least 30 minutes.
    • A musculoskeletal or neurological examination should take at least 20 minutes to perform.
    • A psychological exam should last at least 60 minutes and a psychiatric exam should last for at least 40 minutes.
    • Other types of examinations are required to be for at least 30 minutes.

    Once the exam is completed, the physician would submit a written report to the SSA.

    Who Pays for a Consultative Exam?

    The SSA will pay for a consultative exam and any diagnostic tests associated with it. You should not be charged for these services.

    Are you considering filing for SSDI? Does the SSA require you to attend a consultative exam? Call our Roswell office to schedule a free consultation with our experienced Social Security disability lawyers who can help you obtain the SSDI benefits you are entitled to.

    What to Do If the SSA Requests a CE Exam

    A cumulative medical exam can be a quick procedure, but it can have a big impact on your SSDI application. It is important to remember that the doctor performing it does not work for the SSA, but is being paid by them. Here are important tips on how to handle your exam:

    • Be polite and respectful during your exam.
    • Expect to be asked about your symptoms by the examining doctor. You want to give him short answers and include concrete examples.
    • You should be truthful when discussing your illness or medical condition. Do not exaggerate or downplay the symptoms that you are experiencing.

    Retain an Attorney Immediately If You Receive a Notice of a CE Exam

    One of the most important first steps you should take if the SSA notifies you of a CE Exam is to retain an experienced disability attorney. Your attorney can give you advice on how to best handle your exam and ensure that you receive the SSDI that you deserve. Call the Injury and Disability Law Center today to schedule a free consultation to learn how our skilled lawyers can help you with your SSDI claim.

  • Do I need an attorney to appeal a Social Security disability denial?

    Appeal Word CloudIf your application for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits (SSDI) is denied, you do not have to hire a lawyer to file your appeal. However, if you want to win your case, your best strategy would be to retain an experienced Social Security disability attorney. Here are three reasons why having a lawyer represent you in your appeal will increase the chances of success.

    Reason #1: Gathering Your Medical Documents

    Your attorney will review your entire file and all the medical documents you provided that support your application. They will be able to identify gaps in your medical history and will be able to obtain the medical records you need to file with the Social Security Administration (SSA) to support your claim quicker than you could. They will also contact your doctors and have them write a written opinion that explains fully what your disability is and how this prevents you from working.

    Reason #2: Understanding of Law and Procedures

    A knowledgeable attorney will know how to file your appeal properly. They will also understand the rules and procedures that must be followed so that your appeal proceeds quickly and smoothly.

    Reason #3: Preparing You for Your Hearing

    One of the biggest benefits of having an attorney is that they will be with you at your hearing for your appeal. Some of the ways an attorney can help you include:

    • Trial preparation. They will prepare you for the questions that the administrative judge will ask you at your hearing.
    • Evidence. They would be certain that all your medical records, doctors’ opinions, and other evidence that supports your claim of disability are presented at your hearing.
    • Witnesses. They will identify all the expert witnesses you need, such as a physician, and any other witnesses who can help you prove your disability and will prepare them to testify at your hearing.
    • Cross-examination. A vocational expert would most likely testify on behalf of the SSA. After the administrative law judge questions this expert, your lawyer can effectively cross-exam them about their findings and show how they are inaccurate. They would also cross-exam any other witnesses presented on behalf of the SSA.

    Was your application for SSDI benefits denied? Call our office to schedule a free initial consultation to learn how our skilled Social Security disability lawyers in Roswell can help you.


  • How long does it take to settle a car accident claim?

    Plain CalendarIf you are thinking about filing a claim for compensation for your injuries in a car accident, you will want to know how long it will take to settle your claim with the negligent driver’s insurance company. Unfortunately, each case is different. Some can settle in a few months, while others can take a year or longer to resolve.

    Factors That Affect How Long it Will Take You to Settle Your Auto Collision Case

    The insurance company could offer you a quick settlement in an effort to pay you less than the true value of your claim. However, it is rarely in a car accident victim’s interest to accept the insurance company’s first or second offer. Here are some factors that affect the time it takes to settle these claims.

    Seriousness of Your Injuries

    If you suffered serious injuries, you would be entitled to your past and future medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering in your settlement. You need to wait until you reach your maximum medical improvement, which is the stage where you fully recover or recover as much as you will, before settling your case.

    Why is this important? You cannot know how much you should receive in future damages until you reach this stage in your recovery.

    Insurance Company

    Who the negligent driver’s insurance company is can have an impact on how long it will take to resolve your claim fairly. Some larger insurance companies will fight harder and longer to reduce the amount they pay car accident victims.

    In addition, if you suffered long-term injuries, the value of your claim will be greater. The insurance company will raise even more disputes in an effort to deny your claim or pay you less than you deserve by wearing you down.


    If there are true questions about who was at fault in causing your collision, it could take longer to convince the insurance company of their liability. You may have to collect additional evidence or hire an expert witness to resolve this dispute.


    If the insurance company refuses to be reasonable or the statute of limitations, which is the deadline to sue, will expire soon, you will need to retain an experienced car accident lawyer. While you may still settle your case before it goes to a jury trial, it could take longer to resolve it if you must litigate your case.

    Do you want to know how these factors could affect your claim? Do you need help negotiating your settlement? Call our Roswell office to schedule a free consultation with our skilled car accident legal team to get your questions answered and learn why we are the right injury attorneys for your case.


  • How are grid rules used to determine Social Security disability eligibility?

    Magnifying Glass Examining the RulesIf you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, it can be easier to get your application approved by the Social Security Administration (SSA) if you are 50 years old or older. The SSA considers it harder for older applicants to learn new job skills or move to a different type of work. If the SSA decides that you can no longer perform your former job duties, they will use grid rules to determine if you are eligible for benefits.

    How the Grid Rules Work

    The SSA refers to the additional difficulty an older worker has switching to a new type of job as a vocational adjustment and uses grid rules to determine these applicants’ claims. The SSA considers a number of factors that are applied to grids the SSA developed in deciding whether someone qualifies for benefits. The following factors are considered.

    Applicant’s Age

    The SSA divides applicants into the following age groups: younger individuals (aged 18 through 49 years old), individuals approaching old age (50 through 54 years old), advanced age (55 years old or older), and approaching retirement (60 years old or older). It is easier for an older individual to get approved by the SSA under the grid rules.

    Education Level

    Individuals who have a lower educational level are more likely to have their application for SSDI approved. The SSA divides educational abilities into the following levels:

    • High school graduation or higher with additional training for skilled work
    • High school graduation or higher with no additional training for skilled work
    • Limited education, which is generally completing l1th grade or lower
    • Inability to read and write

    Past Work Experience

    The SSA considers an individual’s prior work experience under the grid rules. Jobs are grouped into these classifications: unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled. It is easiest for unskilled workers to qualify for SSDI using the grids.

    Transferable Work Skills

    The SSA will take into account whether semi-skilled or skilled workers have job skills that would transfer to other types of employment. Applicants who have more transferable job skills will have a harder time getting their application approved.

    Residential Functional Capacity

    A person’s residential functional capacity (RFC) is their ability to do work on a full-time basis. In determining what a person’s RFC is, the Social Security Administration will use medical evidence, such as from the applicant’s doctor, as to their ability to stand, walk, lift, push, and carry. RFC is divided into these categories:

    • Sedentary work
    • Light work
    • Heavy work
    • Very heavy work

    Individuals classified as heavy work or very heavy work will be more likely to qualify for SSDI under the grid rules.

    Do you have questions about your eligibility for SSDI under the grid rules? Do you need help appealing a denial of your application? Start a live chat or call our Roswell office to schedule a free consultation with our experienced Social Security disability lawyers.


  • Am I entitled to Medicare if I am getting SSDI benefits?

    Desk Calendar With a ClockIf you are approved for SSDI benefits, you also qualify for Medicare. However, you are not are eligible for Medicare right away. Here, you can learn how this complicated waiting period for benefits works.

    How Long Is the Waiting Period for Medicare?

    There is a two-year waiting period after the first month you are eligible for your monthly SSDI payments before you can receive Medicare. However, not everyone who applies for SSDI has to wait two years before being entitled to Medicare. Here is how the waiting period rules work:

    • The two-year waiting period for Medicare starts running from the date you start receiving your monthly SSDI benefits. The date when you are eligible for SSDI payments is the date of your disability plus a five-month waiting period.
    • If it takes you a long time to get your SSDI application approved, which is common, you may have already gone through much or all of the two-year waiting period for Medicare during the application and appeal process.
    • Because the Social Security Administration (SSA) only pays 12 months of retroactive SSDI benefits, the earliest date that you can qualify for Medicare is one year after you apply for SSDI.

    Exceptions to the Two-Year Waiting Period for Medicare Eligibility

    Currently, there are two exceptions to the rule that you must wait two years before receiving Medicare. You may be entitled to Medicare immediately in these situations:

    • End-stage renal disease with kidney failure. If you need ongoing dialysis or a kidney transplant due to end-stage renal disease, you can obtain Medicare coverage the third month after you begin dialysis.
    • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). You are eligible for Medicare as soon as you are eligible for SSDI if you suffer from ALS.

    Do you need help figuring out when you qualify for Medicare? Are you filing your SSDI application? Call our Roswell office or start a live chat to schedule your free consultation today with our experienced Social Security disability legal team to get your questions answered and learn how we can help you.


  • How much does it cost to hire a Social Security disability attorney?

    When you are applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, you are more likely to get your application approved by the Social Security Administration (SSA) if you are represented by an attorney. However, you may be concerned that you cannot afford to pay a lawyer when you are not working because of your disabilities. Here’s why you do not need to be worried about this.

    How Lawyers Charge Their Fees in Social Security Cases

    Social Security Disability Lawyer Meeting With a Potential ClientSocial Security disability attorneys charge their attorney fees on a contingency fee basis. Under this type of agreement, you would not owe any up-front attorney fees. Here’s how payment of the fees works:

    • You would only owe attorney fees if you win your case. If you do not receive SSDI benefits, you would owe no attorney fees.
    • Your lawyer cannot charge you more than 25% of your back pay or $7,200, whichever is less.
    • Your attorney will be paid their attorney fees out of your back pay award before you receive your payment.

    Retainer Agreements in SSDI Cases

    Your lawyer must enter into a written retainer agreement with you, stating how much you will be charged. They must also file a petition with the SSA to obtain approval of the fee agreement. Once the SSA approves it, they will pay the attorney fees directly out of the backpay award.

    How Costs Are Charged in Social Security Disability Insurance Cases

    In addition to the attorney fees you will owe, you must also pay the costs associated with your case. These costs can include copying costs for your medical records and reports from your physicians.

    Some lawyers will require you to pay these extra costs as they are incurred while others will pay them and get reimbursed when they are paid their attorney fees. Your retainer agreement should spell out how you must pay these costs.

    Experience Matters When Selecting Your Attorney

    While the attorney fees you will owe is a consideration when hiring a lawyer, it should not be the only factor you consider. You need an experienced Social Security disability lawyer who has a track record of success if you want to win your case.

    Are you applying for SSDI benefits? Do you need to file an appeal? Call our Roswell office to schedule a free consultation to learn how we can help you.


  • What should I do to prepare for my Social Security disability hearing?

    Wooden Gavel Used at a Social Security HearingIf your application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is denied by the Social Security Administration (SSA), you will need to file an appeal and attend a hearing. Providing a good testimony at your hearing will be crucial to getting your SSDI application approved. Here are five tips on how to prepare for it.

    What You Will Testify to at Your Hearing

    Understanding what you will need to testify about can help you as you prepare for your hearing. You will need to answer questions about the following:

    • Your medical conditions that have caused you to become disabled and the symptoms you experience
    • Limitations in your physical and mental conditions caused by your disability
    • Your medical treatments and medications for your medical condition
    • Your education and training
    • Your work history
    • Your day-to-day activities and how your disabilities have affected your ability to do them

    Five Tips to Prepare for Your Hearing

    Being prepared for your hearing is essential if you want to win your appeal. Here are five ways you can get ready for it:

    • Review your file. You need to review your application, your medical records, and any correspondence with the SSA. This will help you to remember what you have told them about your disability and issues in your case that you will need to address at your hearing.
    • Prepare a cheat sheet. You can bring documents to your hearing that will help you remember all the important details about your disability. Collect these documents, such as your application, medical records, and notes to yourself regarding common questions you can expect to be asked.
    • Provide recent medical records. It is important that the administrative law judge has all your current medical records when deciding your case. Submit any up-to-date medical documents with the SSA before your hearing so that they are in your file and can be reviewed by the judge at your hearing.
    • Obtain a written doctor’s statement. One crucial type of evidence you will need is your doctor’s statement about your medical condition and how it affects your ability to work. Even if you filed this statement when you applied for SSDI, you should obtain a more recent one from your physician once you receive the notice of your hearing from the SSA.
    • Retain an attorney. The best way that you can ensure that you are fully prepared for your hearing is to retain an experienced Social Security disability lawyer. They can help you file your application correctly, provide the SSA with all the medical records and other evidence they need, prepare you for your hearing, and attend it with you.

    Do you need assistance preparing for your Social Security disability hearing? Call our Roswell office to learn how our skilled Social Security disability legal team can help.


  • When does a Veteran qualify for Special Monthly Compensation?

    Lawyer With Special Monthly Compensation Paperwork at a DeskYou may qualify for VA disability benefits if you suffer from a disability that was caused while you were in the Armed Forces. The Veterans Administration considers some medical condition more serious and may award you Special Monthly Compensation (SMC), which can result in you receiving a significantly higher monthly disability payment.

    When Are Veterans Eligible for Special Monthly Compensation?

    Special Monthly Compensation is a benefit that certain Veterans, their spouses, surviving spouses, and parents may qualify for. It is paid to Veterans who have special circumstances, such as the need for personal care at home, due to the nature of their disability. Here are situations when a Veteran may qualify for these benefits:

    • Aid and attendance. A Veteran who needs daily supervision by a family member, home nurse, or home personal aide because his disability is so serious may qualify for these benefits.
    • Loss of use. If a Veteran has the loss of use of a body part and it is severe enough, he may be entitled to SMC. The use of the body part must be no better than if it was amputated and the Veteran used a prosthesis.
    • Permanently bedridden. A Veteran who cannot get out of his bed due to his service-connected disability can qualify for SMC benefits.
    • Blindness. If the Veteran suffers from vision loss, and it meets the VA’s definition of blindness, the VA may consider their condition debilitating enough to pay them Special Monthly Compensation.
    • Homebound. Veterans qualify for these payments if their disability is so severe that they cannot leave their homes and will not be able to for the rest of their lives. An individual may also be considered homebound if they cannot leave a hospital or other care facility.

     Some disabilities that can qualify a person for SMC include:

    • Loss of a foot or hand or use of this body part
    • Paralysis or immobility of a joint
    • Blindness in one or both eyes
    • Deafness in both ears
    • Loss or loss of the use of a reproductive organ
    • Inability to communicate with others through the use of speech
    • Loss of or loss of use of the buttocks
    • Loss of tissue in one or both breasts because of radiation treatment or a mastectomy

    If you qualify for SMC benefits, the VA is supposed to automatically pay you the additional monthly payment you are entitled to. However, this does not always happen..

    Let our experienced VA disability legal team help you file your application and ensure that you and your family receive all the disability payments you deserve. Call our Roswell office to schedule a free consultation today to learn more about how we can help you.